Do you have a Pole’s Card or are you of Polish origin and intend to settle in the country permanently? Do you want to legalize your stay and obtain a Permanent Residence Card or a long-term EU resident’s permit?

Marriage to a Polish citizen, having Polish origins or a Pole’s Card, the desire to live with minor children – they are the most common reasons why foreigners decide to permanently reside in Poland. However, for this purpose, foreigners from outside the European Economic Area must meet additional formal requirements.

Preparing an application on your own can be a challenge. Without knowledge and experience, it is easy to make mistakes. Especially since different procedures apply to a person applying for a long-term EU resident’s stay, and different ones to a foreigner applying for a permanent residence permit. What’s more, the set of required documents may also differ due to the specific situation, or even the office to which you are submitting an application for a permanent residence permit.

When you have an attorney for foreigners helps you, the whole process becomes easier. You, on the other hand, can be sure that the legal and administrative requirements will be met. We have been dealing with immigration matters for more than 20 years.

Providing our services, we:

  • check if you can apply for a permanent residence permit in Poland;
  • prepare documents required during the proceedings;
  • represent you before administrative bodies during the procedure of legalizing your stay;
  • handle other matters related to permanent residence in the country – e.g. obtaining a permit to purchase real estate in Poland;
  • provide you with general assistance and legal advice;
  • represent you in matters concerning the issuance or replacement of a residence card and a long-term resident’s card of the Republic of Poland.


An application for a permanent residence permit for a foreigner in Poland and the issuance of a Permanent Residence Card requires your presence at the office, but an immigration attorney can accompany you at every stage of the case. We will check what documents are necessary in your case and help you complete the application, as well as prepare you for the visit to the office and accompany you there.

When all the formal requirements are met, the case can be proceed as smoothly as possible, your involvement will be limited to a minimum, and thus the visit to the office will not be stressful to you. And if during the proceedings it turns out that it is necessary to submit additional documents, we will help you collect them.


With more than 20 years of experience in immigration matters, we will provide you with expert legal assistance at every stage of applying for a permanent residence permit. You can also count on our support in connection with the procedure of exchanging the Permanent Residence Card after its 10-year validity period has expired.


If you have been continuously and legally residing in the Republic of Poland for at least 5 years and meet additional conditions provided for by the regulations, you can apply for permanent residence as a long-term EU resident. We will check whether a resident card can be issued in your case and guide you through the entire procedure. And if your “Five-Year Card” requires replacement with a new one, you can count on our help in this regard as well.


The Mazowieckie Region and even Warsaw itself are places with a wide range of law firms to choose from. However, few of them have such extensive experience in immigration matters. We have been helping foreigners for more than 20 years, and the knowledge and experience translate into the effects of our actions. In our law firm located in the Śródmieście district, we are guided by 3 basic principles: honesty, flexibility in action and empathy. We believe that a lawyer should have more than knowledge. Clients should also feel safe with them. That is why we ensure constant communication, keep you informed about the progress of the case and try to build a relationship based on trust. How do you like such principles of cooperation? If your do, contact us and tell us how we can help you.


Who can apply for a permanent residence card?

Regulations provide for a number of cases in which a foreigner may apply for a permanent residence card. Most often, people of Polish origin who have a Pole’s Card decide to stay in Poland indefinitely, as well as foreigners who get married with a Polish citizen. However, they are not all cases provided for by the regulations – a Permanent Residence Card may also be obtained by, among others, children of Polish citizens or foreigners who have a permanent residence permit or a long-term EU resident’s permit, if they have parental authority over such a child. The card is also issued to victims of human trafficking or people with refugee status or a permit for tolerated stay, if they have previously spent 5 or 10 years in Poland, respectively.

What is a Permanent Residence Card?

A Permanent Residence Card is a document confirming the right of a foreigner from outside the European Economic Area to stay legally on the territory of Poland for an indefinite period. Even though the aforementioned permanent residence permit is for an indefinite period, the Permanent Residence Card itself has a validity period of 10 years. It means that it must be exchanged for a new one every decade.

When should you apply for a permanent residence permit?

An application for a permanent residence permit must be submitted no later than on the last day of legal stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland (e.g. stay carried out so far on the basis of a temporary residence permit or the Pole’s Card).

What is meant by an uninterrupted stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland?
An uninterrupted stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland for 5 or 10 years, respectively, is one of the criteria that may be required when applying for a permanent residence permit for a foreigner. It is considered that such a stay was truly uninterrupted if the total time spent outside the country does not exceed 6 months in a year. Exceeding the limit is possible only in special cases – when it was due to, for example, compulsory military service or an important personal, family, health situation.